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  • Claire Rendall

Driving Passions…

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

The thing about being a designer is that it’s more a way of life than just a job. It permeates through everything from the choice of house to shoes and cars. Yes cars. I just love cars. Apart from most built in the 1970’s which I’d happily make into a pair of earrings with one important exception…

Driving passions

I started my design life as a graphic designer and it was a bit of a cliché that my favourite car was the VW Karmann Ghia. However, when in 1996 my every day car bit the dust, I was talking to a friend about what to buy. “What do you really, really want?” he asked. “Well, I’d really love a Karmann Ghia but…”

“Why not get one then?” “Really, can I buy one?” I’d somehow assumed they were from the same place as unicorns and no mortal had a chance.

Anyway after scrutinising a few copies of VW World, I’d circled a couple of options and having been given a stern warning not to buy the first one I saw, I rounded a corner and saw this little beauty sitting in dappled sunlight and promptly bought her, the first one I saw!


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